Pictures from Amy and my trip to Idaho for Nathan & Tenaya's wedding (and some climbing at City of Rocks) have made their way online:
We had a great time at "the city," we mostly climbed the classic easier trad routes -- awesome rock, fun moves, and a spectacular setting: definitely hard to beat. The high afternoon temperatures (into the 90s) forced us to take the afternoons off from climbing, but we still got in some great routes:
Tuesday 7/1
Twilight 5.6
Adolescent Homosexual (aka Adolescent Humanoid) 5.7
Double Cracks (aka Carol's Crack) 5.8/5.8+
Intruding Dike 5.7
Wednesday 7/2
Norma's Book 5.6
Batwings 5.8/5.8+
Delay of Game 5.8 sport
Lost Arrow AKA Classic Route 5.7
Thursday 7/3
Theater of Shadows 5.7
Rye Crisp 5.8
Friday 7/4
Skyline 5.8
Private Idaho 5.9